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Ash Storm
Fire spell, Any • Castable with cantrip results
Target any terrain. Subtract 1 result from all army rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
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Air spell, Any • Castable with cantrip results
Target any opposing army. Inflict 1 point of damage on the target.
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Death spell, Any • Castable with cantrip results
Target any opposing army. Subtract 1 result from the target’s non-maneuver rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Stone Skin
Earth spell, Any • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target any army. Add 1 save result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Watery Double
Water spell, Any • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target any army. Add 1 save result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Evolve Dragonkin
Elemental spell, Eldarim • Castable from reserves
Target one of your Dragonkin units that matches the color of magic used to cast this spell. The target is promoted 1 health-worth.
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Fiery Weapon
Fire spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target any army. Add 2 melee or missile results to any roll the target makes until the beginning of your next turn.
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Finger of Death
Death spell, Any
Target any opposing unit. Inflict 1 point of damage on the target with no save possible.
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Flash Flood
Water spell, Any
Target any terrain. Reduce that terrain one step unless an opposing army at that terrain generates at least 6 maneuver results. A terrain may never be reduced by more than one step during a player’s turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
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Earth spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target 1 of your units at a terrain. Move the target to any other terrain where you have an army.
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Wind Walk
Air spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target any army. Add 4 maneuver results to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Rise of the Eldarim
Elemental spell, Eldarim • Castable from reserves
Target any Eldarim unit that matches the element of magic used to cast this spell. The target is promoted 1 health-worth.
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Dancing Lights
Fire spell, Any
Target any opposing army. Subtract 6 melee results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Lightning Strike
Air spell, Any
Target any opposing unit. The target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save result, it is killed. A unit may not be targeted by more than one Lightning Strike per magic action.
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Soiled Ground
Death spell, Any
Target any terrain. Until the beginning of your next turn, any unit killed at that terrain that goes into the DUA must make a save roll. Those that do not generate a save result are buried.
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Transmute Rock to Mud
Earth spell, Any
Target any opposing army. Subtract 6 maneuver results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Wall of Fog
Water spell, Any
Target any terrain. Subtract 6 missile results from any missile attack targeting an army at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.