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Scrap for Parts
Alloy spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target 1 health-worth of Dracolem units in your DUA. Bury the target, then repair up to 1 health-worth of Dracolem units in the DUA to the casting army.
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Alloy spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target 1 health-worth of Dracolem in the casting army. Kill the target, then repair up to 1 health-worth of Dracolem units in the DUA to the casting army.
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Alloy spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target 1 of your units at a terrain or the Reserve Area. Move the target to the casting army.
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Anti-magic Surge
Alloy spell, Bronze
Target any terrain. Subtract 4 magic results from all army rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
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Escape Portal
Alloy spell, Gold
Target any army. Until the beginning of your next turn, units in the target army that are killed by any army-targeting effects (including melee and missile damage) should make another save roll before being moved to the DUA. Any units that generate a save result are instead moved to your Reserve Area. Any units that do not generate a save result may instead be exchanged with a smaller health unit of the same species from your DUA. If no save roll was possible when units are killed, Escape Portal does nothing.
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Explode Item
Alloy spell, Silver
Target up to 2 points of items in an opposing army. Bury the target with no save possible. For details on item points, refer to the rules.
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Knock Out
Alloy spell, Any
Target up to 3 health-worth of units in any opposing army. The targets are knocked out and cannot be rolled until the beginning of your next turn, unless they are the target of an individual-targeting effect which forces them to. Knocked out units that leave the terrain through any means are no longer knocked out.
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Plasma Arc
Alloy spell, Any
Target one unit in an opponent’s army at the same terrain. The target makes a save roll. If it does not generate a save result, it is killed. Whether it saves or not, the target’s owner must target another unit in the same army to save or be killed. Continue to target units with Plasma Arc until a targeted unit (after the first) generates a save result. An army may not be targeted by more than one Plasma Arc per magic action.