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Watery Double
Water spell, Any • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target any army. Add 1 save result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Accelerated Growth
Water spell, Treefolk • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target your DUA. When a two (or greater) health-worth Treefolk unit is killed, you may instead exchange it with a one health-worth Treefolk unit from your DUA. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
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Flash Flood
Water spell, Any
Target any terrain. Reduce that terrain one step unless an opposing army at that terrain generates at least 6 maneuver results. A terrain may never be reduced by more than one step during a player’s turn from the effects of Flash Flood.
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Water spell, Coral Elves
Target any terrain. Subtract 3 maneuver and 3 missile results from all army rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
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Water spell, Swamp Stalkers
Target any terrain. Until the beginning of your next turn, any army marching at that terrain must first make a maneuver roll. The marching player then selects health-worth of units up to the maneuver results generated by this first roll. The army uses only those units, and items they carry, for any rolls in the march for both the maneuver step and the action step.
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Tidal Wave
Water spell, Scalders
Target any terrain. Each army at that terrain takes 4 points of damage, and makes a combination save and maneuver roll. For this special combination roll, only effects that generate normal save and maneuver results count. The terrain is reduced one step unless an army generates at least 4 maneuver results. A terrain may never be reduced by more than one step during a player’s turn from the effects of Tidal Wave.
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Wall of Thorns
Water spell, Treefolk
Target any terrain not at its eighth face. Any army that successfully maneuvers that terrain takes 6 points of damage. The army makes a melee roll instead of a save roll. Reduce the damage taken by the number of melee results generated. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
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Wall of Fog
Water spell, Any
Target any terrain. Subtract 6 missile results from any missile attack targeting an army at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.