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Ash Storm
Fire spell, Any • Castable with cantrip results
Target any terrain. Subtract 1 result from all army rolls at that terrain until the beginning of your next turn.
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Fearful Flames
Fire spell, Lava Elves
Target any opposing unit. Inflict 1 point of damage on the target. If the target unit saves against the damage, the target unit makes a second save roll. Unless the target unit gets a save result, the target unit flees to reserves.
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Fire spell, Dwarves
Target any opposing unit. Inflict 1 point of damage on the target.
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Fire spell, Scalders
Target any terrain. Inflict 2 points of damage on each army at that terrain.
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Fire spell, Firewalkers • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target any army. During any non-maneuver army roll, the target’s owner may re-roll any 1 unit in the target army once, ignoring the previous result. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
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Fiery Weapon
Fire spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target any army. Add 2 melee or missile results to any roll the target makes until the beginning of your next turn.
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Dancing Lights
Fire spell, Any
Target any opposing army. Subtract 6 melee results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.