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Stone Skin
Earth spell, Any • Castable from reserves • Castable with cantrip results
Target any army. Add 1 save result to the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Earth spell, Any • Castable from reserves
Target 1 of your units at a terrain. Move the target to any other terrain where you have an army.
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Berserker Rage
Earth spell, Feral • Castable from reserves
Target an army containing at least one Feral unit. All Feral units in the target army may count save results as if they were melee results during all counter-attacks, until the beginning of your next turn.
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Higher Ground
Earth spell, Dwarves
Target any opposing army. The target subtracts 5 melee results from their rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
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Scent of Fear
Earth spell, Goblins
Target up to 3 health-worth of opposing units at any terrain. The target units are moved to their Reserve Area.
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Transmute Rock to Mud
Earth spell, Any
Target any opposing army. Subtract 6 maneuver results from the target’s rolls until the beginning of your next turn.